2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials CEAM 2010-VF November 15th - 26th, 2010 Sponsored by: Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.
Authors: Conference Secretariat: conferences@praiseworthyprize.com CEAM 2010 sponsorships:
Federico II University of Naples |
The Conference will include Special Sessions on highly specialised topic areas, within the topics of the Conference. The formulation of the topic areas (titles) should be specific, rather than simply duplicating the broad subjects of the main conference tracks. Special Sessions will normally include 6 papers from different institutions and organisations coming from different countries. Also a good balance regarding country contributions should be assured. The session can be organised in several parts, if more than 6 high quality papers are accepted in one special session. Special Sessions are organised by the initiative of one or more individuals, who must adhere to the following procedure: Proposals submissionComposition of the Special Session, considering final accepted papers, cannot contain more than 25% of papers from the same institution. Proposals should be submitted by email to the Conference Secretariat (conferences@praiseworthyprize.com). The proposal should include :
Special Session ApprovalThe Steering Committee will approve the proposal. Details of accepted Special Sessions and organisers, and the corresponding Call for Special Session Papers will be posted on this website. When accepted, a special session will be included in the conference automated submission system, and the corresponding access codes will be provided to its organiser(s). Special Session OrganisationApproval Special Session Organisers must:
Deadlines for submission / acceptance notification / camera-ready version are the same as for regular papers. Special Sessions not fulfilling these requirements may be cancelled and the accepted papers moved to regular conference sessions of the corresponding track. Organisers of scheduled Special Sessions commit themselves to register for and attend the conference. For each Special Session, one free registration will be offered to the organiser or distributed among all the organisers at their own decision. In any case, the general rules about maximum number of papers associated with a registration will apply. |
Please send any questions
about this web site to
info@praiseworthyprize.com |