2nd International Conference on

Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials

CEAM 2010-VF

November 15th - 26th, 2010

Sponsored by:

Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.





Virtual forum



Call for papers
Submission info
Special sessions
Accepted papers

Conference Secretariat:


CEAM 2010 sponsorships:


Federico II

University of Naples


The Conference will include Tutorials on highly specialised topic areas, within the topics of the Conference.

For each Tutorial, one free registration will be offered to the speaker.

Proposals should be submitted by email to the Conference Secretariat (conferences@praiseworthyprize.com).

The full proposal should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt. font, including all the following information, in the order given below:

  • Tutorial Title

  • Presenters

    • Contact Person:

      • name

      • department

      • college, university, or other affiliation

      • address

      • telephone number

      • fax number

      • e-mail address

    • Other presenters. For each presenter, include the following information:

      • name

      • department

      • college, university, or other affiliation

      • e-mail address

  • Abstract (Description)

    • 300 words limit. Please be sure your description is accurate, because if the tutorial is accepted, this abstract will be  published in the Symposium program and proceedings. 

  • Presenter(s) background/biography

    • Please provide a biography addressing your qualifications about the topic of the proposed tutorial, including your published works in the field of the tutorial

  • Intended audience

    • Please indicate the requested knowledge level of the audience  (basic, medium, advanced) and topics as reported in the conference call for papers (A, B, C, etc)

  • The presentation should be in stream-video.

    • Please choose one of these options: 1/2 hr, 1 hr, 1.5 hr, 2 hr. If the tutorial is accepted it could be required to reduce the length.


Please send any questions about this web site to info@praiseworthyprize.com
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.