ICOMOS 2012 - VF VIRTUAL FORUM July 16th - 30th, 2012
Sponsored by: Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l.
Conference Secretariat: conferences@praiseworthyprize.com ICOMOS 2012 sponsorships:
Federico II University of Naples |
Registration Full Registration fee is needed for participants who want to partecipate to the Conference and to publish a paper and it has to be done before up-loading it (not later than June 30th 2012, as per Call for Papers). Viewer registration fee is possible for single scientist, groups of scientists, for Societies and Institutions that prefer to participate to the conference without to publish a paper. ICOMOS-VF 2011 registration can be carried out via Web (recommended procedure) or directly via e-mail. Web registration will be available from May 20th, 2011. After having filled in the Web registration form, you will receive at your e-mail address a Registration ID and all necessary information about payment procedure. We suggest to conclude this step as soon as possible. Inclusion of accepted paper(s) in the Scientific Program and iin the Proceedings' e-Journal will be authorized by ICOMOS-VF Secretariat when the payment of the required fees has been done. Please take note that one conference fee is needed for each paper. If an author is registered for more than one paper, a reduced fee (€ 80.00 instead of € 160.00) will be applied to the registration of each additional paper. The conference fee for regular delegate, student and viewers and extra charges are listed below:
Click here to complete
the registration form
(*) Full conference fee includes: 1. Full access to the Conference via username and password. The participant may browse on all conference contents uploading his papers and supplementary materials such as Power Point Presentations (saved as PDF) or Movies (saved as mpeg) and downloading other papers and materials. Moreover he/she may participate to the discussion of each paper. Comments/answers on each article may be written in a special window using the username/password provided for the Conference. 2. Conference Proceedings and Conference Materials (possible tutorials) that will be downloadable as e-Journal by our web site after the Conference (one protected access for each registration).
(**) The Student fee includes: 1. Full access to the Conference via username and password. The participant may browse on all conference contents uploading his papers and supplementary materials such as Power Point Presentations (saved as PDF) or Movies and downloading other papers and materials. Moreover he/she may participate to the discussion of each paper. Comments/answers on each article may be written in a special window using the username/password provided for the Conference. 2. Conference Proceedings and Conference Materials (possible tutorials) that will be downloadable as e-Journal by our web site after the Conference (one protected access for each registration). Reduced fee can be applied to the students who simply participate to the Conference without presenting a paper or if the student is the only author of a paper.
(***) Viewer conference fee includes: 1. Full access to the Virtual Forum via their username and password. The participant may browse on all conference contents downloading papers and supplementary materials. Viewer registered for the conference will not be able to comment the articles neither upload papers. 2. Conference Proceedings and Conference Materials (possible tutorials) that will be downloadable as e-Journal by our web site after the Conference (one protected access for each registration).
Please send any questions
about this web site to
info@praiseworthyprize.com |